To Release or Not to Release Video Footage to the Public

Right now in the state of Indiana, footage that is captured by a law enforcement officer from a dash cam or a body cam is not required to be released to the public. That looks likely to change, however, now that House Bill 1019 has passed. The Indy Star is keeping followers updated on the […]
Digital Recording a Game-Changer in Higher Education and More

Digital recording is taking off in more than just law enforcement. Applications for health care, Federal agencies and higher education are also finding unique and game-changing ways to integrate digital recording. Not only are major institutions of higher education like the Christian Theological Seminary using iRecord’s digital recording system to record counseling sessions, but many […]
Why Public Opinion of the Police is Improving

Despite the many pieces in the news over the last year that have shared the public’s dissatisfaction with police, reports show that overall, the public’s opinion on law enforcement and law enforcement professionals is improving! A Gallup survey released last month shows that the public’s trust in police is definitely moving in the right direction. […]
Why Equip with Body-Worn Cameras?

Police departments around the country are adopting body-worn cameras everywhere you turn. What is it that is driving this increase in adoption, and what are the goals of equipping law enforcement officers with these tools? Why Body-Worn Cameras? At the end of 2015, the state of New Jersey announced that it would be spending $2.5 […]
The Right Interview Room Makes Victims Feel Safe
With victims already facing the injustice of being assaulted, adding to that being interviewed in a what Hollywood often portrays as a harsh, uncomfortable room often adds a further injustice. Thanks to films and hit TV series, many of our views of the interview room are largely negative, but the truth is that many interview […]
One Intelligent Recording Solution Hits Go on Improved Call Recording

In the split seconds it takes for an incident to escalate into tragedy, chaos often ensues. Victims don’t always come forward right away and gathering evidence sometimes takes weeks. In those moments, communication is critical, but not always clear. We love sharing what other organizations are doing to step in the gap, and one feature—mobile […]
Top iRecord Stories in 2015

We review 2015 by highlighting the most popular stories and articles we have shared with you! Rank the most popular blogs and summarize contests and winners for the year and how excited iRecord has been to be a part of its customer and the public’s lives by sharing this information and its services with PDs, […]
What Does your PD Need for Christmas?

Local law enforcement agencies are seeing the value in improving the home base when it comes to doing their job better. Throughout 2015 the stories of crime, terrorism, conflict between the police and the public have hit the headlines. What your law enforcement professionals need this season is a vision that includes improving headquarters. Have […]
Want Fewer False Confessions? Update Interview Rooms and More

For the last decade the American people have asked questions about interrogation, ranging from how far is too far when it comes to interrogation and investigation tactics to why aren’t we going farther when it comes to preventing mass-crimes like those we’ve recently witnessed in San Bernadino and Colorado Springs. What experts are finding is […]
Sleep Cycles between Interviews Build Trust

A good day’s work and then a good night’s sleep. It sounds simple, but the sometimes we find that we intuitively know an answer to improving a complicated process before we ever put it to practice. Of course then we need to put it to practice. This is exactly what one law enforcement agency has […]