The Right Interview Room Makes Victims Feel Safe

With victims already facing the injustice of being assaulted, adding to that being interviewed in a what Hollywood often portrays as a harsh, uncomfortable room often adds a further injustice. Thanks to films and hit TV series, many of our views of the interview room are largely negative, but the truth is that many interview rooms around the country actually do look intimidating. Whether it’s a lack of funding or a lack of focus on building a more “softer looking” interview room, police departments and even child advocacy centers are not always able to create the perfect room.

However, updating interview rooms is becoming more popular around the country as awareness on the advantages increases. In 2016 trends are away from florescent lighting, off-white painting, and harsh tables and chairs. After all, these are less than inviting places for victims. What’s more, cultivating the all-important relationship with suspects is likewise made more difficult in harsh environments like these. What’s in?

Well, one police department that we recently read about at the Stanton substation of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department caught our attention. They recently had a makeover and transformed their interview room from what “resemble[d] an empty broom closet to one that looks like a cozy place to enjoy tea.”

Updated interview rooms can not only improve the relationship between interviewers and suspects and enable much-needed evidence and testimony to be gathered more quickly, but can also prevent victims from having to feel “re-victimized” again according to experts.

Part of making updates to your interview room may involve updating recording equipment as well. We have outfitted numerous recording rooms across the country and would love to talk with you about how we can do the same for you.

If your PD or child advocacy center is in the place to make improvements, even if on a small scale or a longer time-table, we have solutions for you! Learn exactly what your PD can do to update its interview rooms to create a softer look! Click here for more information and to get in touch with an expert in the equipment you need in your new room as well as tips on getting started on your interview room design.

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