Limit Roadside Liability
What really happened during roadside police enforcement? Was the individual that was pulled over recording the situation? Did the officer act within the appropriate ethics of his/her position and guidelines? All this can be addressed through recording as you can mitigate conflicting stories of what happened. With an increasing number of accused actually recording you, […]
Minimize Impact on Survivors
When is the last time you considered ways you could protect survivors of child abuse? Those who have been through the trauma of child abuse may have to tell and retell their version of events. This can re-traumatize someone, especially a child. Through recording, the story need only be told once, thus making the experience […]
Protect Yourself Part II
In light of recent media coverage regarding police enforcement, body-worn cameras can prove essential in ensuring accuracy of outcomes and protecting your local communities from wrongdoing. Consider a few departments where body-worn cams have been distributed for every officer agency-wide and the changes they have seen as a result. Enforcement Police officers: They can wear […]
Protect Yourself Part 1
In light of recent media coverage regarding police enforcement, body-worn cameras can prove essential in ensuring accuracy of outcome and protecting your community from wrongdoing. You can do more to protect yourself, your agency and your community by considering these 4 advantages to body-worn cams. According to Police leaders who have deployed body-worn cameras […]
How to Improve the Reliability of Your Interviews
Do you hit the bull’s-eye with your investigations and enforcement? Old systems, even as “old” as ten years, are no longer reliable as they once were thought to be. With today’s advances in technology and improved reliability, you can increase the accuracy, dependability, and timeliness of interviewing. With an updated system like iRecord’s, the technology […]
The Private Investigator’s Responsibility: Capture Accurate Info
With today’s media coverage and the public scrutinizing many investigations, accuracy of interviewing is crucial. Don’t give skeptics a reason to question your accuracy, your technology, or your methods. Recording allows for accuracy in interviewing as it takes away the note-taking margin of error. Let’s talk for a minute about Michael Brown and Eric Garner—two […]
How Recording Helps Close Cases More Quickly
In an interview, being able to follow the sequence of events is essential. Without audio or video recording, closing the case takes longer and often costs more. By being able to go back to interviews, (1) re-listening to the recording (2) as well as look at body language, the most appropriate course of action can […]
You Won’t Want to Miss This Giveaway!
Want to take part in an incredible opportunity to win the One Room iRecord Essential System? We are running a CAC Giveaway this month and will be giving away a complete system to one winning participant organization. We want to share the value and latest research with you regarding how digitally recording video of forensic […]
Recording = Integrity in Investigations
When you interview, determining what really happened can be a challenge if you aren’t recording. Was the interviewee coerced or did it happen as the interviewer said? Did the investigators lie? When recording is done, questions of interviewing can be removed from the equation. Say you go to court and the opposing counsel is attempting […]
We Can’t Wait to Give Back!
This holiday season iRecord staff are eager to announce how we are giving back to all who dedicate their lives to keeping the streets safer, our children protected and criminals behind locked doors. We know that as a CAC, Child Advocacy Center, it can be particularly challenging to come by funds to outfit your interview […]