We in Law Enforcement Need Best Practices for Cloud Implementation
Do you want to be part of a nationwide conversation among law enforcement officials about moving to the Cloud? iRecord is conducting “fireside chats” with key industry professionals and thought leaders on the topic of moving to cloud-based solutions (specifically the Microsoft Azure Government cloud). The cloud platform is designed to meet US government demands, […]
FBI Moves to Cloud Solution!
Law enforcement professionals have been wary in adopting cloud-based solutions when it comes to storing and managing digital evidence for many reasons. One of the primary reasons has been because of security concerns (think Snowden) and CJIS compliance requirements. However, as of March 2015, the FBI has announced it was moving to the Cloud. This […]
Digital Evidence: A Short Guide
Digital evidence is far from a new term in law enforcement, but we know with the continual development and evolution of technology, solutions, and categories even, of digital evidence, a short guide on the terms can be a great tool for you! Read up on the three major forensic categories of devices where digital evidence […]
How to Maintain Chain of Custody
While those in law enforcement understand the principles of preserving evidence is critical, it’s not difficult to make small mistakes which can have enormous ramifications to chain of custody. What exactly is chain of custody? You might not be sure exactly what chain of custody refers to, and if you’re in that camp, you’re not alone. […]
Four Rules of Evidence Every Law Enforcement Official Should Know
With the number of digital images and videos being captured today by law enforcement and everyday citizens, it’s critical that law enforcement officials follow the rules of evidence in order to ensure that the pains they take to record convert into admissible evidence. Many pieces have been written on the rise of technology and its […]
Police, Know the Right Equipment to Record on
Does your force know the ins and outs of collecting their audio and video recorded evidence? Does your equipment enable you to get those recordings into the hands of all parties quickly? Do you ever deal with inadmissible evidence because of the quality of your recordings from your current recording solution? In order to ensure […]
Public, Know Your Right to Record
Do you know what the truth is about your right to record? The recent Walter Scott shooting has raised the question once again about whether police can legally confiscate smartphones and other personal devices from citizens who record police action during encounters with the public. The Walter Scott case, specifically, has fanned the flame on […]
How Your Agency Can Tailor Its Approach to Specific Groups in Child Abuse Prevention
If you’re looking for tips on targeting specific groups in your community when it comes to training them on child abuse prevention, we have the resource you need! Check out 12 specific groups and a few ways you can adjust your approach with each segment as your agency strives to end child abuse through education […]
4 Ways that Information Management Can Improve Law Enforcement Efforts
“Effective information management enables police forces to unlock the value of information and improve their efficiency and effectiveness,” in an Information Management in Policing report. The article provides four specific values that information management can deliver to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Enables Collaboration: It enables collaboration and information sharing between police forces and other agencies. […]
14 Trends of Interest in Policing
Did you know that nationwide, violent crime rates are roughly half of what they were in the early 1990’s? Police departments have achieved these goals in large part by deploying an endless array of new strategies and new technologies. In 2014’s Future Trends of Policing report we discover at least sixteen separate efforts that have […]