More Interview Room Solutions on the Market

More police departments have been taking the step to update their interview rooms, including having top of the line digital and audio recording systems and evidence management systems like iRecord’s. Specifically, law enforcement officers are finding that going seamless in their storage platforms is only making workflow and process run even more smoothly. We love to […]
Six Types of Evidence Used in Courts that are Commonly Wrong

The Criminal Justice System is certainly not perfect, yet we continue to look to it to meet out justice. Did you know, however, that three types of evidence used repeatedly and for decades continues to be collected and utilized improperly? A recent Washington Post article identifies six noteworthy trends. We unpack these and share how recording is […]
Who Are the Victims of Child Abuse Act?
Did you know that there are over 900 Child Advocacy Centers across the country and that they all depend on the continued reauthorization of the VOCAA bill for funding? While you may have heard of CACs before, we want to share with you why they are important, what they do and answer a few basic […]
Top Benefits of Recording Technology in Your PD’s Interview Rooms
Over the last 18 months, this nation has seen a sharp rise in the number of police departments around the country adopting state-of-the-art recording technology for their interview rooms. Month after month, reports continue to show what many departments have known along—audio and video recording helps victims and police. The Baltimore City Police Department is […]
Video Recording Equipment: A State by State Chronology
Just over a year ago, then-Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole encouraged investigators to videotape all suspects in custody before coming to court with federal charges. We saw a flurry of activity all last summer as the FBI formally adopted the policy to video record interrogations and this momentum has continued through 2015. In a Harvard […]
Reversing the Wrongful Conviction Tide with Video Recording
Wrongful convictions occur all too often, but in some cases these are avoidable. As technology has improved and investigations have been able to more accurately connect crime with suspects, one of the outcomes we have experienced has been fewer wrongful convictions. However, there are still too many wrongfully convicted. Let’s talk about one step your […]
Honor Those Who Protect Us
We want to honor those who do so much to protect and serve our communities! What better way to do that than to provide those who currently serve as sworn law enforcement officers with the opportunity to win tools and equipment that they need to do their jobs! You can honor those who protect us […]
Why You Should Make the Move from Proprietary Software
Users who rely on specific software to do business can find themselves in a difficult situation when it comes to upgrading their equipment. Do they pay for new codes that may disappear in a year or two? Do they continue to use what they have and hope for continued compatibility? Or do they purchase another […]
Top Advantages of Using a Tablet in the Workplace

Digital literacy is a hot topic in 2015 in higher education, HR, health care, and in many other professional fields. Just over a decade ago, managing content across different platforms was the job of highly specialized professionals. Today, entrepreneurs in almost any line of work can experience the advantages of increased digital literacy. One of […]
Is Your Business Touch-Literate?
A few years ago Time published a predictive piece on tablets, highlighting how quickly tablets were not only catching on in the US but globally. In the article, the author contrasted the rapid growth rates of tablets (60%) compared to computers (12%) as an important indicator of where tablets were going globally. Today, businesses are […]