Site Evaluation Questions Every Law Enforcement Agency Should Ask

Law Enforcement Agencies that want to add a new interview room to their facility face many decisions. After evaluating options for the facility as a whole, these agencies must then work through the process of a formal site evaluation. Breaking this stage into smaller steps can help keep your timeline moving along smoothly. Your Facility […]
What’s the Real Value of Modern Interview Recording?

Strict budgetary concerns can make advancing operations a logistical nightmare, but foregoing the necessary changes can also leave your team and those you serve vulnerable. It’s a frustrating reality that the organizations who need up-to-date technology are often some of the least funded. Yet, investing in the safety and wellbeing of our local communities is […]
The How-To of Child Interviews

To a child, everyone is an authority figure, and this can complicate the process of interviewing a victim of abuse or neglect. While you know that your goal is to elicit the best possible interview, the child’s perception may very well be that he or she is being tested and must do well. That pressure […]
How Child Advocacy Centers Help Kids

Before CACs existed, at-risk and abused children had a very different experience than they do now. Now, they serve over 300,000 children a year. Here are the most important benefits CACs provide. Carefully Trained Interviewers Prior to the existence of CACs, the interview process could vary widely from one case to another. Untrained interviewers might […]
Child Witnesses: The Right Approach

Child Witnesses: The Right Approach When a child is not the victim, but a witness, access can be complicated. Conflicting priorities place people who would normally be on the same side at odds with each other. How can law enforcement agencies navigate this complex situation to get the information they need while also protecting the […]
Videoing Child Interviews Safeguards Your Case

Videoing Child Interviews Safeguards Your Case A prosecutor’s office in Macomb County, Michigan was recently challenged for not videoing child victim interviews– by the defendant. How can this be? Well, as it turns out, the defendant’s lawyers honed in on a critical point: Macomb County’s policy of conducting non-recorded interviews was out of step with […]
Mobile Recording: Evidence of Every Interview

Mobile Recording: Evidence of Every Interview Interview rooms are routinely equipped with cameras, but there are unique interview situations that provide specific challenges. For example, interviewing a child is not like interviewing an adult. A child interview room is often provided with toys, art supplies, and multiple seating venues, which can present a real challenge […]
The Right Interview Room Makes Victims Feel Safe
With victims already facing the injustice of being assaulted, adding to that being interviewed in a what Hollywood often portrays as a harsh, uncomfortable room often adds a further injustice. Thanks to films and hit TV series, many of our views of the interview room are largely negative, but the truth is that many interview […]
Top iRecord Stories in 2015

We review 2015 by highlighting the most popular stories and articles we have shared with you! Rank the most popular blogs and summarize contests and winners for the year and how excited iRecord has been to be a part of its customer and the public’s lives by sharing this information and its services with PDs, […]
Sleep Cycles between Interviews Build Trust

A good day’s work and then a good night’s sleep. It sounds simple, but the sometimes we find that we intuitively know an answer to improving a complicated process before we ever put it to practice. Of course then we need to put it to practice. This is exactly what one law enforcement agency has […]