Is it Okay for an Interrogator to Leave the Room during an Interview?
You may not realize the silent message that’s sent when an interrogator leaves the room during a session with a witness or suspect, but do you know whether it’s actually appropriate and whether there is every a time when an investigator should leave an interrogation? Learn more about the Reid position on the subject and […]
Textbook Perfect Interviews Don’t Guarantee Perfect Outcomes
When was the last time you evaluated how well your interviewing was going when it comes to investigating crime? And not just the method by which you ask and capture responses, but all the ancillary yet still very important aspects on conducting an interview, including the angle of the camera, your back up system and […]
Capturing Interviews is SIMPLE with iRecord
Despite the fact that in the US the support for video and/or audio recording interrogations has been mixed, one thing has been clear—digitization has vastly improved the task of recording in every case. No longer does the medium for recording need to be a barrier when it comes to recording your interviews any longer! Learn […]
The world of the Investigator in their Approach to Interrogations
Interrogation techniques need to vary with the type of suspect you are working with and the type of crime that has been committed. Learn a few of the specific approaches that investigators use when they approach the interrogation. While you’re thinking about, consider whether or not your current solution for electronically recording interviews is working […]
New Law Reverses 100+ Year Ban on Recording Interview & Interrogations
Big changes are taking place in Washington when it comes to the recording of interrogations of suspects in criminal cases. In fact, as recently as May 22, 2014, the Department of Justice announced a new policy, one that would be “sweeping” that stand to have a major impact. According to the CBS News article Feds […]
Why Custodial Interrogations are a Win-Win for the Innocent
Although the laws vary from state to state around the country regarding whether recorded interrogations are required for submission in a court setting, the value and advantage of providing them have become apparent to all parties involved when it comes to protecting the innocent from false confessions and more. Learn highlights of these advantages highlighted […]
Videotaping as Part of Interviewing Best Practices
While some are still are undecided about whether recording a witness’s complete interview will potentially cause a witness to suppress information, the evidence that it protects the witness and can reduce false confessions has grown. Learn specific ways that videotaping when it comes to interrogations is being shown to help more than it “harms.” What […]
Defining Key Terms in Videotaping Interactions: Interview, Interrogation and Confession
It’s important when discussing the potential impact on the electronic recording of interactions between witnesses and law enforcers to ensure key terms are clearly understood. The most important distinctions must be made between an interview, an interrogation and a confession. Learn more from the following definitions pulled from videotaping research on the empirical experiences of […]
“It’s Not Personal; It’s Business”
Learn the channels that private investigators learn to master when it comes to interrogation and how they separate themselves from the task at hand. Much like medical professionals or others in high-stress occupations who work with tense and difficult situations, private investigators have a specific approach to addressing this. What is the Interrogator’s mindset and […]
Resolving Testimony Disparities: It’s What You See—Not What You Say
It’s not uncommon to find a witness disagree to a statement or question posed in the courtroom or in an interview prior to trial, but resolving disparities between the “now” testimony and what’s on record can be as simple as pressing a button. iRecord’s one touch recording and VHS-style controls make using the system extremely […]