Transparency and Technology Can Work Together
Public perception of law enforcement can be negative for the wrong reasons. Although policing efforts have expanded in the past two decades to include proactive strategies, many times the public only focuses on the misses or the losses in the game. Today, there is a lot of conversation about accountability, federal oversight, and transparency. Liam […]
5 Questions to Consider before Adopting Body-Worn Cams
Recent events and news stories about the efficacy and need for body-worn cameras in communities across the country have led many of us to realize the value that this tool can offer. The fact is that no long-term studies have been conducted yet as the technology and pervasiveness of the devices being used has only […]
No Technology Adoption Decision Should Be Made Lightly
There has been a lot of talk about leveraging technology to improve policing in law enforcement and with great cause. The rise of technology and the solutions it has introduced would have staggered us just a few years ago. Nonetheless, agencies and departments should not adopt carelessly nor thoughtlessly. Know Your Needs from a Broad […]
Tackle Your Video Storage Problem with iRecord’s Evidence Vault Management Solutions
As law enforcement agencies move to digital audio and video recording solutions to manage your recorded data, finding a solution that offers the storage solution needs they have is critical. Do any of these questions resonate with you? Do you still use log books or binders to keep track of your custodial interviews? Do you […]
Where Big Data is Big in Law Enforcement
Collaboration via solutions delivered by big data has grown from sounding futuristic to its current buzz across industries. Not surprisingly, it’s no less important in law enforcement than in business, healthcare or other industries. In law enforcement the question is how to harness the power of big data and what it can do to help […]
The Surveillance Tool that Tracks Cell Phones down to a Three Yards!
There are a good number of people talking about a device that is rumored to be able to not only track cell phones, but a whole lot more—and being used by law enforcement agents to keep communities safer and bring cases to a close more quickly. What’s the Surveillance Device? You may have heard it […]
iRecord CAC Giveaway Contest Blog
We are excited to announce our CAC Giveaway winner—Kids Hub! With over 118,000 votes, Kids Hub spread the word about the iRecord End Child Abuse contest and it paid off. Kids Hub serves 63,000 kids and soon they won’t have to travel two and a half hours for a forensic interview as the CAC will […]
iRecord CAC Giveaway Winner!
We are excited to announce our CAC Giveaway winner—Kids Hub! With over 118,000 votes, Kids Hub spread the word about the iRecord End Child Abuse contest and it paid off. Kids Hub serves 63,000 kids and soon they won’t have to travel two and a half hours for a forensic interview as the CAC will […]
How to Ensure the Tech Solution You Choose is the Right One
Everyone is talking about leveraging technology to address problems that have only been theorized about until now. For good reason. Technology promises and actually is speaking into the productivity and efficiency gaps that this post-recovery era so needs. But before investing in a technology solution, be sure to do your own investigation to ensure the […]
Making the Switch from iPad to Surface…and Loving it
When tablets first broke ground among business leaders, executives and laymen alike were quick to snap them up. At the time it was no surprise that many users were unsure how to leverage their tablets to build productivity or efficiency. Today, however, the rapid evolution of tablet technology among other factors has made tablets a […]