Video Recording Equipment: A State by State Chronology
Just over a year ago, then-Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole encouraged investigators to videotape all suspects in custody before coming to court with federal charges. We saw a flurry of activity all last summer as the FBI formally adopted the policy to video record interrogations and this momentum has continued through 2015. In a Harvard […]
Don’t Forget to Nominate Your Favorite Officer!
Our nomination deadline is close! Honor those who protect us by nominating your favorite law enforcement officer. Our goal for our contest Honor Those Who Protect Us is to highlight what those who are currently serving as sworn law enforcement do across the nation and to give them a chance to win the tools and […]
Do You Know Which Services a Private Detective Can Provide?
You may be thinking that you know what a private detective does because you’ve seen them portrayed on TV and in the movies. You may think that the life of a private detective is interesting and action-packed based on things that you’ve read in a wide variety of mystery novels. The reality is far from […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE iRECORD HELPS CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER KIDS HUB IN HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI, OPEN ITS DOORS EARLY AND REACH 46,000 KIDS WITH FORENSIC INTERVIEWS SERVICES. INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana- August 1, 2015- iRecord, the leading manufacturer of digital video recording and evidence management solutions for law enforcement professionals, is helping Child Advocacy Centers across the US […]
Honor Those Who Protect Us
We want to honor those who do so much to protect and serve our communities! What better way to do that than to provide those who currently serve as sworn law enforcement officers with the opportunity to win tools and equipment that they need to do their jobs! You can honor those who protect us […]
Why You Should Make the Move from Proprietary Software
Users who rely on specific software to do business can find themselves in a difficult situation when it comes to upgrading their equipment. Do they pay for new codes that may disappear in a year or two? Do they continue to use what they have and hope for continued compatibility? Or do they purchase another […]
Save Time in Your Department by Outsourcing Indexing…to Your Technology!
With the boom of technology and the rapid pace of change that it has brought about, it’s not surprising that careers in indexing and transcription have changed substantially. What is surprising, however, is the number of companies and businesses that continue to outsource some of these services when the technology to do so lies within […]
Top Advantages of Using a Tablet in the Workplace
Digital literacy is a hot topic in 2015 in higher education, HR, health care, and in many other professional fields. Just over a decade ago, managing content across different platforms was the job of highly specialized professionals. Today, entrepreneurs in almost any line of work can experience the advantages of increased digital literacy. One of […]
Is Your Business Touch-Literate?
A few years ago Time published a predictive piece on tablets, highlighting how quickly tablets were not only catching on in the US but globally. In the article, the author contrasted the rapid growth rates of tablets (60%) compared to computers (12%) as an important indicator of where tablets were going globally. Today, businesses are […]
Conduct Covert Interviews More Effectively, More Professionally
Conducting interviews is a critical part of the evidence gathering process in crime scene investigation, and capturing this information on record is key to moving forward. Getting you information effectively can sometimes be a challenge, however. More Effective Interviews iRecord is at the leading edge of connecting with time saving and efficient tools that can […]