Time for Mobile Police Interview Recording Equipment?

We live in a fast-paced world both personally and professionally. It’s easier than ever to keep in touch and communicate throughout the day. But that also means that people expect more—especially from public safety.

In order to keep up with the influx of information and continue acting fast, police agencies need the right technology. Fortunately, adopting new solutions doesn’t have to be complicated. Once those systems are in place, we start to see a reduction in crime. It also becomes easier to move the casework along since the evidence is gathered more quickly. That’s why rethinking your police interview recording equipment options is so critical. Being able to record audio video evidence remotely is a great way to save time.

The Two Real Types of Police Interview Recording Equipment

There have been many discussions surrounding police body cameras in recent years. However, it’s important to remember that this type of camera footage is entirely different from true police interview recording equipment. In reality, there are only two types of solutions for recording interview evidence.

The first acceptable type of audio video recording would be in the agency’s onsite interview room. The second option is a mobile recording solution. Because both work to create digital evidence, they should be operating with the same type of software. It’s the only way for agencies to get a truly streamlined system.

Benefits of Going Mobile—with Tablets and Specialty Vehicles

When you can record onsite, you have more control over the timeline of gathering interview evidence. Witness and victim testimonies need to be recorded ASAP for accuracy. This also helps minimize the trauma of telling their story or “digging up the past” when they’ve already begun the healing process. Being able to travel to the public safety agency isn’t always feasible, though. It’s better for everyone when detectives and public safety advocates can speedily work remotely. Mobile police interview recording equipment helps make that happen.

Typically, the best tool is a tablet. There are multiple reasons for this. To start, there’s minimal set up required. You don’t need separate microphones and cameras or bother with organizing a complicated layout. There’s also the benefit of familiarity. We’re all used to seeing and even using mobile tablets in our day-to-day lives, so there’s less pressure on the interview subject. They can easily forget that their conversation is being recorded.

What’s more, there are even specialty vehicles that give public safety professionals ultimate flexibility for collecting their interview evidence. These vans are essentially built out to function exactly like an agency’s onsite interview recording room. But the difference is that they’re totally mobile. Just drive wherever you need to go.

There’s a private room to conduct the interview, as well as a waiting area and space to review the audio video recording there in the vehicle. It’s the perfect way to ensure that you can effectively record evidence anywhere, whether that’s at the scene of the crime, outside a healthcare facility, near the individual’s home, or at any other location.

Reliable Solutions for Your Agency’s Police Interview Recording Equipment and DEMS

Agencies all across the country are rethinking their process for collecting and managing their audio video evidence. Digital Evidence Management Solutions (DEMS) are no longer a nice “upgrade” for agencies, they’re an absolute must.

Secure storage and the convenience of having immediate, online access to digital evidence helps eliminate the downtime of physically sharing files on your casework. You just need the right partner to design and provide you with the best solution possible for your team.

If you’d like to learn more about mobile police interview recording equipment, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at iRecord. We proudly serve agencies located throughout the nation. Let’s connect

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