21st Century Technology Solutions for Child Protection Online
What exactly is the Child Protection Act is and what technologies are available to protect your children? Do you know what to do if you suspect that your child or any child is the victim of physical, emotional or verbal abuse? We explain the value of working with child advocacy groups that are equipped with […]
Know What to Look for in the Best Investigative Detective Equipment
iRecord is the natural choice for interview rooms of all types that require a simple video and audio recording solution with very high quality and reliability. In addition to the one touch recording controls that are simple and user-friendly, iRecord is designed to operate without disrupting established operating procedures. Once recorded, the digital media is […]
Barrier No Longer: Recording Equipment that’s User-Friendly, Secure, and Reliable
Law enforcement officials have it tough already, keeping criminals off the street, working hard to provide the case and information needed to the courts. Your digital video and audio recording equipment doesn’t have to be a barrier to capturing testimony any longer. Easy to use, secure, and reliable, iRecord provides a solution that fits any […]