Recording Raises the Likelihood of False Confessions—FALSE!
A popular myth that recording a victim’s testimony will raise the likelihood that he or she will make a false confession continues to be debunked. Recording not only helps close cases more quickly, but the right equipment also provides hard evidence that can be saved, retrieved easily at a later date and shared with entire […]
What Recording Capital Cases Shows PDs about the Impact of Recording Equipment
When the Public Act 93-0206 became effective in Illinois in July of 2005, the Chicago Police Department along with all other PDs throughout Illiniois were required to electronically record all criminal cases that involved voluntary or involuntary manslaughter. This was just the first step. Learn what implications this led to and why recording interviews has […]
Top Benefits of Recording Technology in Your PD’s Interview Rooms
Over the last 18 months, this nation has seen a sharp rise in the number of police departments around the country adopting state-of-the-art recording technology for their interview rooms. Month after month, reports continue to show what many departments have known along—audio and video recording helps victims and police. The Baltimore City Police Department is […]
Crime Scene Investigation for the Forensic Interviewer
What does crime scene investigation look like in action when it comes to recording technology and software? With increasing numbers of public safety and child advocacy centers adopting digital and audio video recording systems, solutions are much more visible today than they used to be. The Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center at Northwest Arkansas Community […]