ERI around the World: Ireland
While electronic recording of interrogations gains momentum in the US in light of recent policy change in the Federal government and its decision to require electronic video and audio recordings of interrogations, the rest of the world maintains a wide variety of positions on the matter. iRecord wants to share tidbits from what’s happening around […]
4 Common Questions & 4 Tricks Police are Allowed to Use Deception
The average person assumes that the police have at their use a wide range of “tricks” or arms of deception to get a suspect to confess to a crime he or she has committed or some other important knowledge. But what exactly is allowable? What, if any, tricks are out of bounds? Learn five tricks […]
4 Reasons False Confession Criticize the Reid Technique & 4 Truths
The Reid Technique is one of the most widely accepted techniques used by law enforcement in the US. At the same time, it receives substantial criticism. What are the reasons that many experts call the technique into question? We discuss four flaws that false confession experts find and reasons they give for them. We provide […]
Textbook Perfect Interviews Don’t Guarantee Perfect Outcomes
When was the last time you evaluated how well your interviewing was going when it comes to investigating crime? And not just the method by which you ask and capture responses, but all the ancillary yet still very important aspects on conducting an interview, including the angle of the camera, your back up system and […]
Capturing Interviews is SIMPLE with iRecord
Despite the fact that in the US the support for video and/or audio recording interrogations has been mixed, one thing has been clear—digitization has vastly improved the task of recording in every case. No longer does the medium for recording need to be a barrier when it comes to recording your interviews any longer! Learn […]
6 Best Practices to Put into Practice in Recording Your Next Interrogation
While the merits of using an electronic audio and video recording system for your interrogations are many, the use of the system on its own is no panacea for investigators. You need to know your system and how to best harness its advantages to deliver the results you need. iRecord makes this simple and easy […]
Perspective More than Matters in Videotaping Interrogations
It’s no secret that where you sit makes all the difference when it comes to witnessing an event. The same is true when it comes to video recording of interrogations. What private investigators often are aware of (but the public not so much) is how the placement of the camera and positioning of suspects and […]
7 Major Benefits of Digital Audio and Video Recording in Interrogations
It’s hard to imagine your favorite Sherlock story without Watson around, chronicling the ever-so-interesting and curious chain of events as he worked cases backwards to discover culprit and cause in a variety of cases. Romanticize as we might about the role of pen and paper and the fictionalized stories of Dr. Holmes, the truth is […]
The world of the Investigator in their Approach to Interrogations
Interrogation techniques need to vary with the type of suspect you are working with and the type of crime that has been committed. Learn a few of the specific approaches that investigators use when they approach the interrogation. While you’re thinking about, consider whether or not your current solution for electronically recording interviews is working […]
Why Innocent People Confess to Crimes They Haven’t Committed
There are a host of common misconceptions around the use of audio and video recording, many of which are finally being righted, as the recent policy shift handed down by the Feds is showing us. One of those misconceptions is that using ERI (electronic recording of interrogations) will cause criminals to confess less due to […]