Defining Key Terms in Videotaping Interactions: Interview, Interrogation and Confession

It’s important when discussing the potential impact on the electronic recording of interactions between witnesses and law enforcers to ensure key terms are clearly understood. The most important distinctions must be made between an interview, an interrogation and a confession. Learn more from the following definitions pulled from videotaping research on the empirical experiences of […]

Let a Private Investigator Conduct An Asset Search For You

Some people think that conducting an asset search is something that is done in order to track down lost funds from a bank account that they forgot that they had. Others, however, may have been told that they should conduct an asset search for other reasons. What is an asset search and what you might […]

When do you Need Dictation Equipment?

Does dictation take you back to your elementary school days when your teacher used to read aloud a passage you and you had to capture it? Or maybe the image that comes to mind is that of the psychiatrist speaking into his digital recorder for transcription later. Regardless of the image that comes to mind, […]

Upgrade iRecord to Windows 7 or Windows 8

If you are currently using Windows XP to run your audio and video recording systems, the days of support are coming to an end. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 marks the end of an area for Windows XP. After nearly 13 years, the days of XP will be no longer. You won’t be able to find […]

Five Situations in which You Might Hire A Private Investigator to Conduct Surveillance

Surveillance is the process by which behavior is monitored. Surveillance can involve the use of video cameras, or still cameras, or recording equipment or even one individual following and noting the actions of another. Learn a few specific situations where working with a private investigator might be the next best choice and how they conduct […]

Types of Witnesses in Court

When it comes to talking about finding justice and truth in criminal cases, one of the central components of achieving this begins with the witness. The witness in a criminal case is typically someone who is testifying in court because they have either 1) observerd a crime or event or 2) have direct knowledge of […]

Private Investigation: Security is What They Do Best

Movie actors portray private investigation security as something that is fun and easy. The truth is that it is not as easy as it looks. For starters, every case is different. People hire private investigators every day for various reasons. That is why private investigators have their own field of expertise. To cater to the […]

The Advent of Online PIs: What Defines How they Do What They Do

Private investigation has a lot of imagery and clichés attached to it. There is the “lone wolf” investigator who, for one reason or the other is unattached to the government. There is the trusty sidekick/chronicler who manages to either accidentally make discoveries which are crucial to the case or get himself into a situation where […]

Know What to Look for in the Best Investigative Detective Equipment

iRecord is the natural choice for interview rooms of all types that require a simple video and audio recording solution with very high quality and reliability. In addition to the one touch recording controls that are simple and user-friendly, iRecord is designed to operate without disrupting established operating procedures. Once recorded, the digital media is […]

Barrier No Longer: Recording Equipment that’s User-Friendly, Secure, and Reliable

Law enforcement officials have it tough already, keeping criminals off the street, working hard to provide the case and information needed to the courts. Your digital video and audio recording equipment doesn’t have to be a barrier to capturing testimony any longer. Easy to use, secure, and reliable, iRecord provides a solution that fits any […]