Police Interview Room Recording: Why iRecord Utilizes an On-Off Switch to Start and Stop Recording

The process for collecting and storing digital evidence needs to be simple, reliable, and secure. With so much on the line and the work days already stressful enough, there’s no reason why agencies should have to struggle with malfunctioning systems for their police interview room recording. Unfortunately, for some teams, having a solution that’s user-friendly can seem like an impossible dream. iRecord is here to change that.

The Better Way to Start Recording

Ease-of-use is a critical feature of the type of technology that we’d all love to be using. This obviously applies to our personal lives, but it’s especially true for the work of public safety professionals too. Your detectives need to have the ability to focus on the task at hand, and that just won’t happen if they’re constantly having to fumble with their recording equipment.

We designed our police interview recording solutions to eliminate the challenges of traditional audio video recording. All it takes is a flip of a wall switch to start and stop recording. The detective walks into the room, flips the wall switch, and then initiates the interview without any of the time-consuming tasks that their outdated system may have required in the past.

iRecord makes things seamless with one-touch recording. No more setting up cameras and checking to make sure everything is lined up correctly. We also ensure that your police interview room recording equipment is installed according to your room layout and acoustics. That way, every important view and angle, as well as every word that’s spoken, will be documented. Our setups make it easy to record high-quality audio and video every time.

There isn’t any need to create a case file on the computer before you start recording either. The iRecord software lets you go back and label your interview evidence after it’s already been recorded, so you don’t need to get distracted with organizing those files in advance.

Protecting the Integrity of Interview Evidence

Another key reason why integrating the start/stop recording function into a wall switch works so well is because it minimizes the fact that the interview is even being recorded! With something as innocuous as a wall switch, it’s easy for the interview subject to forget that their conversation is going to be submitted into evidence.

There’s great value in being able to make the interview process feel as natural as possible. The iRecord start/stop wall switch and police interview room recording equipment helps convey a relaxed tone right out of the gate. Since there isn’t any awkward equipment to set up, it’s truly “one touch” recording. Then you’re ready to go.

Contact iRecord for Your Police Interview Room Recording Solution

Our team designs recording solutions for the public safety sector that are user-friendly and reliable. What’s more, we’re passionate about delivering integrated systems to help streamline all aspects of the digital evidence management process.

Working with a start/stop wall switch function is just the first step. From there, we give agencies the ability to streamline all aspects of storing, reviewing, and sharing their interview evidence. By combining our recording room equipment with the latest DEMS tools, we’re helping agencies be more efficient than ever. Please contact us to learn what our team can do for you!

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