What Agencies Get with an iRecord Anywhere Portable Recording System

Because your interview evidence isn’t always recorded at your agency’s site, it’s important for law enforcement teams to have the flexibility to work in the field, at any time—and any place. With the iRecord Anywhere System, we help detectives get the tools they need to act fast and move the case along by collecting reliable digital evidence.

The first thing to note is that the iRecord Anywhere System is specially-designed to be used for interviews. Agencies need to stay compliant and consistent with their interrogation recordings (and other interviews), and today’s body cameras just can’t deliver the quality audio-video content you need. Cover all your bases with a comprehensive remote recording option.


1. Record Your Interviews in the Field

Nothing can really replace the setup of a modern interview room. But it’s crucial to have a portable option so your detectives never miss an opportunity to get to the truth. When you can record your interview in the field, the work will be both easier and faster.

For example, some parents or guardians may not want to put a child through the stress of traveling to an agency’s onsite interview room. And your witnesses might feel more at ease by speaking with public safety professionals in their own homes. Being able to document these sessions quickly and conveniently is better for everyone. Rather than simply taking notes, record the entire interview. That way, the court can move forward with reviewing the most informative evidence possible.


2. Encourage Cooperation with Handheld Tablets

People interact with handheld electronics every day. And that can make using a tablet feel more natural and unassuming for your interview subjects. The devices are easy to position for recording the right angle. They’re small and have a low profile, and there’s no problem transporting them or setting them up. You need a remote recording solution that won’t get compromised in unconventional settings. And with the iRecord Anywhere System, you’ll rarely have any issues finding a place to set up your tablet in the field.


3. Keep the Power of the iRecord Universe

The other benefit of the iRecord Anywhere System is that it’s completely compatible with the entire iRecord software solution. Your recordings can get exported to your regular iRecord Evidence Vault. Then you’ll be able to review the evidence, add digital notes, make redactions, and share the files with the parties who also need them.

You even have the option to search your notes and data on either the tablet itself or your regular desktop setup back at your onsite location. A remote interview recording solution is basically the last piece of the puzzle to round out your team’s process.


Let our expertise help you integrate the systems you need to stay on the cutting edge. We’d be happy to continue the conversation. Just send us a message, and we’ll be in touch.

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