Psychological Techniques for Interrogations Discussed by ‘Making A Murderer’ Attorney
Excerpt from ‘Making a Murderer’ attorney talks law enforcement’s psychological techniques for interrogations by Alex Hulvalchick: [email protected] February 22, 2017 On Wednesday, the Ohio State chapter of the Ohio Innocence Project hosted Steven Drizin, the post-conviction attorney for Brendan Dassey, one of the subjects of the Netflix series “Making A Murderer.” Drizin spoke about types of psychological techniques […]
Should More Investigators Use Hypnosis to Get at the Truth?
While discussion on the value of hypnosis hasn’t been a hot topic per se among investigators in the last few months, at least one researcher has looked into the potential for hypnosis to help uncover the truth when it comes to conducting interrogations. Learn what Edward F. Deshere posits in a CIA publication entitled Hypnosis […]
The world of the Investigator in their Approach to Interrogations
Interrogation techniques need to vary with the type of suspect you are working with and the type of crime that has been committed. Learn a few of the specific approaches that investigators use when they approach the interrogation. While you’re thinking about, consider whether or not your current solution for electronically recording interviews is working […]
The Science of Fire Investigation
Winter is the season where most fires take place around the country, but there is much more to putting out a fire than extinguishing the flames. Once the fire department has put out the fire, the next team to go in is the fire investigation team. They use a technique known as fire science to […]
Analyzing Eyewitness Testimony
Expert crime investigators encounter several eye witnesses providing testimonies for certain crimes. Throughout the years, techniques have been developed that allow investigators to determine if there is any truth to the statements eye witnesses have provided for crime officials. This is crucial because any wrong assessment of evidence, regardless of whether it’s due to equipment […]
Digital Video Recorders—Getting Right Recorder for the Job
Developments in technology have been successfully used to make their jobs a little easier, and to help keep us a great deal safer. That being said, you may be unaware that not all equipment/devices are created equal. Digital Video Recorder – Doing Good Work The unbelievable advances that have taken place in the technological world […]