6 Sticky Questions about Body Worn Cams

In the UK, which is where officers first began experimenting with body cameras, many are finding that cameras are doing more than recording encounters, they are also having an effect on those who are being recorded. People are also behaving differently when they know they are being recorded, which could be a good thing. That […]

How to Improve the Reliability of Your Interviews

Do you hit the bull’s-eye with your investigations and enforcement?  Old systems, even as “old” as ten years, are no longer reliable as they once were thought to be. With today’s advances in technology and improved reliability, you can increase the accuracy, dependability, and timeliness of interviewing. With an updated system like iRecord’s, the technology […]

X Surprising Ways Electronic Recording Systems Saves You Money

One of the major arguments that police departments and even federal offices in the past have given for not adopting electronic recording when it comes to custodial interrogations has been the out-of-pocket costs. The reality is though that ERI (electronic recording of custodial interviews) actually enables organizations to be more efficient, do more with less […]

What Your PD Should Know if You Aren’t Using ERI

Did you know that over 600 jurisdictions in the US employ electronic recording systems when they interrogate suspects yet the vast majority of police departments do not record custodial interviews routinely? While big changes have taken place this year when it comes to Federal requirements and recording, the number of departments responding to the evidence […]

How Your PD Could Reduce 25% of Wrongful Convictions

Did you know that (as of March 2014) of the 312 wrongful convictions in the US that have been overturned based on DNA evidence that nearly 25% of those involved a false confession or false incriminating statements (Innocence Project, 2014)? Wrongful convictions are an epidemic, according to some, and the effects are catastrophic considering the […]

Five Top Advantages Electronic Recording Systems Bring to Your Case

Electronically recording interviews or interrogations aren’t going to in and of themselves prevent false or coerced confessions, but what they are able to do dramatically impacts what goes on in the court room—they help to improve speed to trial, the speed of the trial, among other things. There are many advantages that electronic recording systems […]

Should More Investigators Use Hypnosis to Get at the Truth?

While discussion on the value of hypnosis hasn’t been a hot topic per se among investigators in the last few months, at least one researcher has looked into the potential for hypnosis to help uncover the truth when it comes to conducting interrogations. Learn what Edward F. Deshere posits in a CIA publication entitled Hypnosis […]

Is it Okay for an Interrogator to Leave the Room during an Interview?

You may not realize the silent message that’s sent when an interrogator leaves the room during a session with a witness or suspect, but do you know whether it’s actually appropriate and whether there is every a time when an investigator should leave an interrogation? Learn more about the Reid position on the subject and […]

Do You Know Why Acoustics Matter in Your Interrogation Room?

Many people make the wrong assumption that acoustics only matter when it comes to recording music or getting a media-worthy commercial on the air. The truth is that the application of acoustics you apply (or don’t) has an impact on the recordings you’re doing of interrogations, interviews, and more. Learn how acoustics works, how appropriate […]

One Surprising Proof that Racial Salience Bias Still Exists

When it comes to videotaping interrogations, it is critical to ensure that investigators not only follow protocol during the interview, but that they also record in an equal-focus perspective. The goal of this is to reduce any bias that the court or jury that might otherwise surface during playback. Learn why at least one study […]