Forensic Child Interviews
Digital Recording of Child Forensic Interviews was found to enhance the ability of prosecutors to file appropriate charges. The ability to demonstrate the demeanor and facial expression of the child was helpful in obtaining timely prosecutions.
Child Advocacy Centers pioneer best practices for child abuse interviews. Their non-leading questioning techniques and careful documentation shield child victims from the need to confront their abusers. They also reduce the number of interviews children are subjected to, and increase convictions in cases that go to trial. Digital video is a natural partner for CACs.
There are many reasons why videoing a child interview might be a good idea. One is the simple fact that you’ll reduce the number of times the child has to relive the event. Child witnesses also have a high level of recantation, and video provides incontrovertible evidence that a child did make an accusation. In fact, video testimony can be used to help refresh a child’s memory in the event that they do have to testify in court.