In light of recent media coverage regarding police enforcement, body-worn cameras can prove essential in ensuring accuracy of outcomes and protecting your local communities from wrongdoing. Consider a few departments where body-worn cams have been distributed for every officer agency-wide and the changes they have seen as a result.
- Enforcement
- Police officers:
- They can wear body-cams and protect themselves and the agency by being recorded. This is both through accountability and evidence gathering.
- With recording, any information illegally obtained will be easily identified before it is used and has the ability to damage a case.
- Investigation
- Detectives:
- When searching for information and conducting interviews, recording allows for transparency in the process. Whether it’s through a body-worn cam while being “out on the street” and looking into a case or in the interview room with a victim, witness, or potential violator, the data gathered will be clear, complex, and less likely to be manipulated.
- With recording, any information illegally obtained will be easily identified before it is used and has the ability to damage a case.
- Legal Department
- Prosecutors & Attorneys
- While there is attorney-client privilege, if there is an aspect of the process that can be recorded, there may be the ability to include this information in a court case. Should a client make a statement, but not want to repeat him/herself in the courtroom for a variety of reasons, this can prevent re-victimization and allow legal counsel greater flexibility.
Are you protecting your departments? Do you ensure there is accountability within a case? Contact us so we can help you find the best solution!