How Your Agency Can Tailor Its Approach to Specific Groups in Child Abuse Prevention

If you’re looking for tips on targeting specific groups in your community when it comes to training them on child abuse prevention, we have the resource you need!

Check out 12 specific groups and a few ways you can adjust your approach with each segment as your agency strives to end child abuse through education and training. Find the complete list of tips from this excellent Child Welfare resource here.

  1. Faith Communities: Offer mentoring programs, train religious leaders in recognition signs and symptoms, educate faith communities that child abuse is a major issues. Check out more tips here.
  2. Parents and Caregivers: Reach out to parent groups, create opportunities for parents and caregivers to join community activities, and ask parents with experience to lead workshops on key issues of child abuse prevention and response.
  3. Courts: Set up referral systems or create support groups among parents or caregivers who’ve been involved in the court system.
  4. Early Childhood Centers and Schools: Offer onsite services or conduct speaking engagements at PTO meetings.
  5. Business Leaders: Recognize companies that promote family-friendly services and policies, recruit high profile leaders to get involved in community efforts or events, and ask local businesses to include family-friendly messaging in their advertising.
  6. Military: Create opportunities for military families to participate as volunteers in mentoring programs and more and include military families in your target audience in print and online materials.
  7. Medical Community: Develop parenting resources, community resource guides, and consider developing partnerships with local healthcare providers and organizations.
  8. Policymakers: Write, call or build relationships with your legislators telling of community efforts and local interest on issues affecting families.
  9. Law Enforcement: Develop a community safety awareness program, invite a law enforcement member to presentations on family matters, and partner with school-based law enforcement personnel.
  10. Substance Abuse Treatment Agencies: Collect a list of substance abuse specialists in child welfare offices, dependency courts, and other family-serving agencies in your area.
  11. Mental Health Professionals: Visit the Building Bridges Initiative for more information on partnerships and collaborations by clicking here.
  12. Domestic Violence Advocates: Visit the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence for more information by clicking here.

Learn more about iRecord’s Child Advocacy Solutions by clicking here.

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